Reminders via text appointment type
Can we get an appointment type variable to use in appointment reminder messages? And custom variables?
Partial Payments
Can patients make partial payments via their PHR account? Thanks
Custom Email Templates Work
I hired it out and made edits to the HTML in Charm. You could also do this yourself by using MailChimp. I'm using JotForm to have patients complete their intake forms and send the link via text and these email templates. I've attached a zip folder with some templates if you want to give it a try. Find an HTML editor freelancer on if you don't want to make the edits yourself. Jotform Intake Form Example: Patient Portal Registration!
Email Templates
Has anyone had any luck making/using custom HTML templates or hiring it out? I'm going to try and tackle this soon by changing Charm's templates to match our website and MailChimp email marketing themes. The default notifications are too wide for mobile mail and the right side gets cut off on my iPhone. I'll update everyone if I get this to work. Please chime in if you have already done this. ${Facility.Logo} Appointment Confirmed Dear ${Patient.Name}, Your video consultation with ${Appointment.Provider}
Add a loading animation when uploading documents
I am currently migrating my entire practice into Charm, roughly 2000 charts or so. As I go through and upload old documents into their account, I have developed a new pet peeve. When you upload a document, you choose the file and click 'ok', then you wait for the file to completely upload. However, there is no loading animation or progress bar to show you that it is still thinking. When you upload a large file, it sits on the documents screen for several minutes, and you have no idea if it is still
Document Renaming and re-dating.
Consider adding the functionality to rename an uploaded document and to modify the document date. You would still log when it was uploaded to the chart, but you may for various reasons want to re-date and rename. Currently you can not rename or re-date an uploaded document.
Trigger questionnaire prior to appointment booking?
Hi, Is it yet possible to trigger questionnaires without needing to schedule an appointment? There are a subset of folks I would like to trigger questionnaires and then schedule later. I've been doing this really oddly by scheduling an appointment that I tell the patient to ignore. Thanks, Maggie
different confirmation email templates for different facilities/providers
Hi, I need to send out confirmation emails with different information for different providers. Is there a way to customize confirmation emails for each facility within the practice? Thank you!
add information to superbill template
There seems to be a default superbill.pdf template used by the system - how can I add information to this template? I need to print our superbills and forward them to my RCM company, and some informations are missing in the default superbill.pdf. There are hundreds templates callewd "superbill.pdf" in the charm library, however, i don't know which of those is used by default. Thank you!
How can I add "payments made" and "current balance" to the superbill?
HI, I am creating invoices and printing out superbills that I then submit to my billing company (not charm) to be used to claim payments from insurance. I need a way to have the superbill template add payments made by patient and the current balance. For instance, a patient is seen in the office, he pays his copay of $20, I log the payment into charm. When I print out the superbill to send it to the billing company, who then claims the total amount from the insurance, I need a way to let the billing
e prescribe out of meds list
How to?
Failed eRX - how to resend?
Failed eRX - how to resend? It happens occasionally that the transmission of e prescriptions to pharmacies fail. So far I have been unable to prescribe those items again. What is the workaround?
Web Embed Not Working In Squarespace
Any tips on getting the scheduling code to work with a Squarespace site. We are building a new site for your clinic and have used the web embeds for years with no issues on Wix. I've been at it for several hours on Squarespace with no luck. It seems to be communicating with Charm as the error message in the HTML block displays an error message from charm saying we need to add the URL to the hosting website list. The problem is that the URL for the hosting website is already listed in the web
My receipts is not showing products
The product section is not appearing on my receipt summary. How do I get it to show up so that I can add it to the receipt?
How do I pull up a list of all my patients (but not other providers)?
How do I pull up a list of all my patients (but not other providers)?
Can a Patient Make an Appointment Selection by Visit Type Only without having to Choose a Provider?
It appears that when a patient selects a visit type, they then need to then select one of the providers of that visit type. Is there a way to have the system auto-assign an available provider for the date/time that the patient selected for that visit type. For example, I am using AcuityScheduling because the patient simply selects visit type(example: Smoking Cessation Counseling) and preferred date/time. The system only makes times available after checking the calendars of the various providers
Web Embed Calendar Responsive but Still Poor User Experience
Has anyone tried using the web embed calendar? On mobile, does it show up as very short, so you only see a very small part of it at any one time? This is the full size - what you see is as much as I can see at any given time. Anyone else have the same issue?
Documents not showing up
A new problem is happening. Patients are letting me know that they've uploaded Documents or Labs to those tabs in their portal, but those documents are not visible on my end. I have never had a problem with this in the past, but in the past few weeks it is happening with pretty much every patient. Did something get changed on the back end such that patients have to manually "Share" the documents that they upload? Greg
Bluefin= nightmare
Anyone else struggling to get the compliance questions answered to avoid ADDITIONAL montly charge with Bluefin? Can you use square with Charm? Can you use square and have patients record credit card with booking? I'd love any insight. I don't have a background in IT and can't answer the multitude of compliance questions. Thanks
Can customers add credit cards via Patient Portal
If we use Bluefin and store patient credit cards, is there a way for a new patient to set up their patient portal and add the credit card they'd like to use? I don't see any option for that currently. Right now it has to be done on the backend.
How do i stop Visit Summary from being automatically shared
I do not want patients to get a notification when I sign an encounter. How do I stop them from receiving a visit summary email?
Generating and printing HCFA 1500 claim hardcopy
I’m very new to chARM. Can someone step me through the process of generating a hard copy of a HCFA 1500 form?
Remove provider from "Appointment Request"
We have doctors in the practice that we do not want to show up in a patients PHR under appointment request. I have been through every aspect of both the administrators and provider settings and cannot find how to do this. The only way that is successful is to change the provider from Physician or Physicians Assistant over to OfficeManager or Nurse. Please let me know how to do this - it's amazingly confusing to patients.
Adding new patients to my EHR account
How do I add a new patient to my clinic's EHR Charm account when the patient already has an Charm EHR account?
Different time zones and combine provider's availability across all facilities
Since CharmEHR's also attractive feature is its integration with Zoom to do telemedicine, I think it's worthwhile to develop its user interface to be telemed friendly. I've inquired about a feature that would allow an provider's availability to be automatically adjusted across all facilities. For instance, you have a provider who sees patients in 2-3 different time-zones. One way I was able to get around it is by making only 1 facility, and informing patients all the appointments are in the provider's
encounter note layout
There's a lot of options in terms of encounter notes, "comprehensive" "Brief" etc. But depending on the roles of the members, not everyone needs to have access to the "labs" "vaccines" "supplements" "RX" or "Injections" as they're writing in an encounter note. I know they don't populate in the documentation if there's nothing written on them as someone is using an encounter chart, but is there a way to remove those "labs" "Vaccines" etc tabs to begin with in certain encounter notes' templates?
I'm uncertain about how to use the KIOSK PIN. I have the app downloaded onto my iPad. I have no front desk staff so I do not want to use the "hand over" feature. Based on the description provided, it appears there is a way to generate a PIN for patients to login to the app & update information, answer questionnaires, etc. Can anyone here provide guidance on how to utilize the KIOSK PIN feature? Thank you
Undeleting an encounter
I mistakenly deleted an encounter. Is there a way to recover it?
adding new staff
I am trying to add a new staff member into Charm and I get an error message. Any advice on what to do? I've never had this problem before! Star
New PHR Question
Looking to see if I can remove administrative employees from the "Providers" view. I'd rather my whole team not show in this view as it can lead to some confusion for patients to see the MDs under the heading of "Providers" when they are actually nonclinical / administrative in their capacity within this organization. These providers are unable to receive patient messages & are not available to have appointment requests. I've already had a patient question why these providers are not available
Credit Card not storing
Anyone else experience this issue? I try to store a new credit card, add all info, hit store, it says 'success' but when I click on credit cards it says no credit card stored.
SOAP Note / Med & Allergy list
I recently transitioned from using primarily comprehensive notes with section specific templates to SOAP notes. I'm unsure how to get the widget information from the questionnaire into the SOAP note the same way I did when using comprehensive notes. I've reviewed the template settings to see if it is an option to add this section as a template component & can not locate it. Is this not an option? This is a major drawback to the SOAP note feature as a documented list of current medications &
Mobile timezone set for different time than facility
Hello, I cannot figure out how to sync up my mobile and facility time zones. I am on eastern time GMT -05:00 (which is what the facility time zone is set for currently) but it says my mobile time zone is GMT -04:00, although I'm on eastern time. Can you please help?
Web embed calendar view
Web embed calendar does not show full calendar - see screen shot below. Does anyone know what may have gone wrong here? Thank you Here is my embed code snippet: <iframe width="100%" height="1000" src="" style="overflow:hidden;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Web embed different provider groups
Hi, I have different groups of providers that I have special staff scheduling arrangements with. Can I create a web embed for each different group? Let’s say I have a website with 3 different pages-1 for each group of providers. Can each group have their own unique web embed for scheduling?
Collecting image of insurance card via Telehealth appt
Hello, I’m new to your TeleHealth Appointments. How do I collect an image capture of the insurance card to upload to the chart prior to the first appointment, especially if the first appointment for a new patient is via Telehealth? The same question goes for signing a consent to treat?
calendar web embed on multiple websites?
Hello, Is it possible to embed our calendar on multiple websites? Are there any negative implications to doing this? Thanks!
Required fields in chart note
How do I make certain fields required for Documentation In the note?
Embed Calendar on website and in phone app?
Embeding calendar on website. I follow the direction to get the link to embed on my website. I "enabled" online appointments. I entered the code under "raw HTML" on website and it doesn't bring the calendar in. ALSO I have an phone app that I created. How do I get a code that will embed within my appy phone software. (There is not a website address I can type in Charm to get a link for the calendar. Any suggestions?
Questtionare/Consent Forms
My clients are not getting their foms when selected to add to PHR during appointment set up. What could be going wrong?
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