Embed Calendar on website and in phone app?
Embeding calendar on website. I follow the direction to get the link to embed on my website. I "enabled" online appointments. I entered the code under "raw HTML" on website and it doesn't bring the calendar in. ALSO I have an phone app that I created. How do I get a code that will embed within my appy phone software. (There is not a website address I can type in Charm to get a link for the calendar. Any suggestions?
Questtionare/Consent Forms
My clients are not getting their foms when selected to add to PHR during appointment set up. What could be going wrong?
Practice Branded Patient App
Does anyone have any feedback on how they like the App? I've very interested in it but I can't seem to find any information or feedback from providers or users.
Credit Card capture at time of booking via web-embed calendar
To deter no-shows and late cancellations we require clients to enter card info during the appt booking process... How can I implement that here as we begin using Charm? (ideal workflow is to accept credit card payment at time of booking via the web-embedded feature). Also, I've heard the Blue Fin doesn't accept HSA/FSA cards. Is this correct?
Allow Calendar exceptions
We occasionally will see patient's on a normally closed day (like on a Saturday or have "after hours" appointments.) Is there a way to to show the schedule as available for select days without changing the entire office/provider timings? I do not want to unblock all those days (like every saturday), just one here and there. I know that I can over-ride the blocked days, but then it i s confusing to other schedulers as to which days are okay to over-ride and which are not.
Batch Delete Received Questionnaires & Reviewed Chart Notes
Each of my clients completes a minimum of 4 questionnaires (max: 7) with every New Patient visit & 2 questionnaires minimum at each follow up visit. I prefer to receive notification when these are received but am unable to delete more than one at a time. Is anyone aware of a way to delete multiple as a way of cleaning up the inbox? Also, after submitting signed notes to be reviewed, there doesn't seem to be a way to delete these / move these out of the signed review area after the requested addendum
mobile embedded code for scheduling
Hi, Charm Scheduling embedded code for mobile devices does not work. Writing overlaps and patients cannot select provider or time. Anyone else having this issue? I've been told by Charm support that they understand it doesn't work. Doesn't seem to be a priority to change/fix. Danielle
REQUEST: 2 way integration with Google calendar!
I would LOVE this feature. It would make my life so much easier. I'd even pay extra for it. If I have to block off part of my schedule to take my dog to the vet, have lunch with a friend, etc, Id love it if I put it in my google calendar and it showed up in Charm calendar, so I wouldn't have to manually sync every time I do this. PLEASE add this!!! THANK YOU!!
I received a call back from a couple of pharmacies stating my collaborating physician's DEA number must be in the heading of the prescription. Is there anyway to change the information myself?
Superbill with Dx codes
Is there a way to have your superbill and invoice include all aspects of the billing? CPT codes as well as diagnostic codes/IDC9? I can't seem to find a setting that allows for me to update this. If not, have others found a way to upload and insert their info into a superbill? Thank you!
!. Digitizing Forms & Lab Integrations
Hello, Does anyone have input regarding the form digitizing service that Charm offers? Can anyone speak to the quality of Charm lab "integrations" and how well they work? Thanks very much, Eugene Wilson Orenda Holistic Medicine
Can I cut and paste from a template in the library?
I'd like to take just a section from a template in the Charm library and paste it into my current SOAP note template. Trying to create it from scratch in my template would take forever, and I'd love to use the pre-made portion. Is this possible? Is there a way to grab the coding from a section and place it in my template? Thanks!
How do I auto-populate medical history, medications, etc into chart note?
With my new patients I put the information from their intake paperwork into their charts including medical history, medications, allergies, supplements, etc. Is there a way to put this information into each chart note encounter since it will likely be the same each time? The template I use for SOAP notes seems to imply that information will auto-populate but I'm not sure how to do this. Thanks!
Using same email address for patients
I just booked two new patients, a husband and wife. They use the same email address and I'm wondering if I can send intake documents for both of them to the same address? Will they both be able to create their patient portals? Thanks!
PHR Invitation sending invalid link
My patients are getting an "invalid url" message when they click the link in the PHR invitation and also if they cut/paste into their browser. I tried it with a dummy patient myself and the same thing happened. How can I fix this? Thanks Ana
Web Embed Calendar for a Single Visit Type?
I have a landing page that is dedicated to a specific visit type. When visitors land on this page, I would like them to be able to ONLY book an appointment for this visit type. However, when I embed the calendar, it shows all the visit types associated with that provider. Is there a way to limit the visit types displayed to a specific visit type?
Remove provider section from web embed calendar when there is only one provider
We currently have one provider. When using the web embed calendar, a large chunk of space is taken up by the provider's info, which the patient already has. Is there a way to get rid of this in the web embed calendar?
Hi there I have the other posts regarding widgets for the questionnaire and i m on the new version for charm. Wondering why i did not get a 'reconcile' for the questionnaire for it to upload meds and supplements to chart? Help. Thank you Lillilan
Is there a way to place the completed questionnaire into the actual chart as an accessble note? I dont think its useful to keep it in the message box.
Im not receiving notification of emails from patients and have done as charm rec making things required. Im sooo frustrated with this EMR!
Merging patients
Hello, I am building a bridge between my patient management software and CDR DICOM using Visual Basic Script. So far, it is going well. I have scripts set up to launch DICOM with the correct patient and scripts to change the first name, last name, and patient ID. The next step is to merge 2 existing CDR DICOM patients together. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that the SDK can do this. Can someone verify this for me? Assuming the SDK can't handle this, is there any work arounds or do I need to have
The singular dimension of the meeting with the patient
Hello, I have a question about the course of this morning, indeed, at a time Pr.camus speaks of the singular dimension of the meeting with the patient (which is a notion that is ca). However, I have not quite understood what he meant by that ... Can you explain this notion and give examples illustrating this concept please! Any help will be apprecited. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: https://bit.ly/2JnEno5 Custom explainer agency Thank you.
Waspmote GPRS/GSM
Hello, I am trying to send SMS through Waspmote GPRS/GSM. But -- 1. What is the "Setting PIN code"? When I use the Sim card in my mobile, there is no such code for calling through my handset. can I omit this portion from the code? 2. If I use the example for sending sms, most of the time it is showing "GPRS_Pro module cannot connect to the network..." Till now, I could able to send only one SMS through Waspmote GPRS/GSM after a few trials. Is it module problem or exiting network problem. I don't
Connection issues (Wi-Fi, GSM)
Hello, I have a very strange problem. When I turn on the WWII application after a while my internet is disconnects - no difference Wi-Fi, GSM. At first I thought it was a problem with android or sim card so I restored the phone factory default, but problem is not disappear. If it was a problem to GSM internet only that could be a sim card problem - but Wi-Fi connection have same problem. It could be a problem with the modem so I was thinking about sending my phone to the service, but I noticed that
translating an invoice to a EDI x12 file for uploading to clearinghouses
How do I translate a ChARM created invoice (PDF) to an EDIx12 file for uploading to sites such as Navinet and Avility? Is it also possible to directly upload to Medicaid?
Healthcare in Dominican Republic
Hello, how does the healthcare system work in Dominican Republic ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Dominican Republic ? Any help will be apprecited. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: http://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=164413 Animated explainer video production service Thank you.
Revenue Management Claim deleted
Hello, We are using Medisoft V19. We have posted unprocessed transactions from Clinical, created claims in claim management. Now were sending the ANSI format claims using Revenue Management. We always perform Check Claims before sending. On the Send after selecting the gatway, it has presented a window for review of the claims and reported error in few claims. On that window assuming that it will exclude the erroneous claims from this batch, we have selected delete error claims and everything went
Mobile Photo Sizing
Hello, I have a gallery running on the home page of a website I am currently developing. I have embedded the gallery in an iframe. The issue I have is that when viewing on my Windows Mobile and the phone is in vertical position the images extend off the screen. Please can you advise best practice etc for what I am trying to achieve. Any help will be apprecited. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: https://juicebox.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1735 Animated Explainer Video
Embedded gallery on mobile device is not resizing
Hello, I have embedded a Gallery on an existing page (both directly into a Div and testing with the baseUrl example) and this works great for large screens and iPad, but renders too large on iPhone and Galaxy. The page is also not 'pinchable' on mobile. Can you point me to an example of an embedded gallery that is working so I can compare? Any help will be apprecited. I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. References: https://juicebox.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2221 Whiteboard video
Screen Pop or Phone Call Triggering Patient's Chart in ChARM - Tips & Tricks
Hello ChARM Community, I am using a program (CallScape) from my VoIP phone provider that will open a webpage when I receive a phone call. The program modifies the web link to include the %callers_number%, which dynamically inserts the phone number of the person calling into the web link. So why is this important or helpful? Your web browser then opens up a search page in ChARM with patient's phone number allowing very quickly and easily access your patient's information in ChARM. How can I use
Generating 2 claims from 1 encounter
I'm dual licensed and have been advised by insurance companies to separate procedure codes under each credential respectively in order to receive the highest allowed reimbursement. This requires submitting 2 separate claims for the same encounter. Q: Is there a way to generate 2 bills for the same encounter? ChARM does not allow you to e-submit claims that do not have an encounter date, therefore creating the second invoice/claim without encounter renders it useless. Thank you for your help!
Unable to Load Diagrams with Annotations
Hello, When I preview a chart in which I have annotated information on body diagrams, the diagrams do not show up at all (even if there is only 1 diagram). It simply shows there is a picture of some type that is not loading. I have the option to "Download," but every single time I do that, a screen pops up that tells me an internal error has occurred, and the only option is to return to the home screen. I have tried doing this in both the Chrome and Firefox browsers multiple times and on multiple
NDC codes for Vaccines- How to make NDCs appear on CMS 1500?
Has anyone figured out how to input NDC codes for vaccines so they appear on a CMS 1500? Mine are not appearing which causes us to be unable to bill for them (costly!!). I'm trying to avoid having to input the NDC codes into the CPT code description. There must be a better way. When I update our vaccine inventory I put the NCD code under 'product number'. It still doesn't show up. Any help is appreciated! Thank you, Stephanie
Invoicing without encounter - preventing duplicate invoices
Doc forgets to open encounter for patient. Receptionist checks out patient "invoice without encounter" option. Doc goes back to open encounter & completes chart notes. Signs. Patient INV does not have encounter date attached and payment for visit is not applied to encounter date with chart notes. 1. Allow for Encounter date to be edited instead of "---" for tracking purposes and preventing duplicate invoices. Currently, receptionist has to delete original paid invoice, go back to completed encounter
recurring appointment adjustment
Our office schedules patients to come in every 2, 3 or 4 weeks on the same day and at the same time. For example every 3 weeks on Tuesday at 11:00 am. At this point the only way to set a recurring appointment is to do it daily or monthly. It would be great to add a feature that allows us to schedule someone every 2, 3, 4 weeks, ect. At this point it has to be done manually. Thank you!
Sharing Reports with Patients
I created a report template for therapeutic recommendations when I recommend a product or additional therapy services. For example, I often recommended craniosacral therapy or items that may be considered durable medical equipment to make the recommendations. I would like to be able to send this report the the patient similar to how they receive the clinical summary. I'm not seeing a way to do this and I'm wondering if it is even possible or if I just have to print out the form or save it as a PDF
Trouble with the Web Embed in Squarespace
When I paste the embed code into my squarespace site, I get an Iframe with Medicalmine branding with error code: "Extra Param found.-wmode" Can you please help?
Release Records
We received an authorization to release records from a non charm office, how do we do it?
I'm currently testing out your system for my office. When I spoke with your sales rep, they told me that questions such as insurance details and medications currently being taken would populate automatically from the questionnaires. However, I just created a test patient, sent them (me) the questionnaire, filled it out, received the completed questionnaire in ChARM but the medications are not populated in the bar on the left. Did I misunderstand the sales rep or am I doing something wrong? Jenifer
New Patient Registration Email
Hello! Quick question...when creating a new patient from the scheduling widget, I've noticed that confirmation emails go out quickly. However, the email to register a new patient in PHR is not being generated. I've looked in the settings section to see if I need to enable something. I've also checked the SPAM folder. Any assistance would be great! fozzy40
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