Can a Patient Make an Appointment Selection by Visit Type Only without having to Choose a Provider?

Can a Patient Make an Appointment Selection by Visit Type Only without having to Choose a Provider?

It appears that when a patient selects a visit type, they then need to then select one of the providers of that visit type.  Is there a way to have the system auto-assign an available provider for the date/time that the patient selected for that visit type.  For example, I am using AcuityScheduling because the patient simply selects visit type(example: Smoking Cessation Counseling) and preferred date/time.  The system only makes times available after checking the calendars of the various providers that offer that service.  The system then round-robin selects from the list of available providers for that service at that time/date.  The calendar event is then created with an auto-assigned provider and both the provider and patient are notified of the created calendar event.

I would love to move away from an outside calendaring system.  It just adds more data entry to our workflow.  So if the calendaring system from CharmEHR were robust enough, I would be able to drop this outside option.  Alternatively an integration with AcuityScheduling would be nice.