Different time zones and combine provider's availability across all facilities
Since CharmEHR's also attractive feature is its integration with Zoom to do telemedicine, I think it's worthwhile to develop its user interface to be telemed friendly.
I've inquired about a feature that would allow an provider's availability to be automatically adjusted across all facilities. For instance, you have a provider who sees patients in 2-3 different time-zones. One way I was able to get around it is by making only 1 facility, and informing patients all the appointments are in the provider's time zone. It's confusing especially since the patient portal doesn't automatically adjust to the patient's timezone either.
Now that patients could be accessed across all the facilities, I can now set patients in one time zone that a facility in that timezone. That works well if a provider is traveling from one facility to another so if provider is in X facility, he/she obviously can't be in Z facility. However, it still doesn't solve the problem when the provider in telemed has patients in different facilities. The provider's availability isn't automatically adjusted across all facilities, and instead are locked to one facility.
Two ways this problem could be solved: CharmEHR internally programs it to adjust the the user (provider/patients) timezone much in the way our computers and phones automatically detects the time.
The second way is for us or the patients to select their timezones when they sign-up for a PHR, and have the PHR reflect patient's local timezone when patients and in their automatic reminder.