Weird formatting now happening as I chart

Weird formatting now happening as I chart

Is it just me?

Now as I'm typing, especially into either a message to a patient or when I'm typing in the Instruction field, often when I backspace or even when I just hit enter at the end of a paragraph, it throws line breaks throughout everything I had just typed it. It often totally wrecks the formatting of what I've been typing to the patient, with just 2-5 words on each line. Sure, my messages can read a bit like poetry, but I'd prefer the look of prose. 

But seriously, this has been going on for about 2 or 3 weeks now. Never happened before that. Often as I'm trying to fix the line breaks, it starts inserting others in. Maddening. 

And one more odd thing it has started doing: occasionally when I hit 'enter' at the end of a sentence, it throws my cursor back up to the very beginning of the window I'm in.

Oh, and one more thing it's now doing is not responding to the first 'enter' that I do at the end of a line. The first time I hit the key, nothing happens. The second time it advances to the next line. So to create a new paragraph with a space between, I now (usually, but not always) have to hit enter 3 times instead of 2 times. The first time is a dud.

Something happened on the back end about 2-3 weeks ago, because all this started at the same time.