Welcome to ChARM EHR Community Forum

Welcome to ChARM EHR Community Forum

Team ChARM EHR welcomes you to the ChARM EHR Community Forum.

Here, you can discuss and post non-urgent support questions or comments regarding ChARM EHR, and help answer questions posted by fellow users.  If you think that ChARM EHR is the greatest thing to have happened to your practice, we would love to hear that for sure!

This is a moderated forum. Our support staff and developers will constantly monitor this forum to answer your questions, and help explain and facilitate discussions. Any post may be deleted at the discretion of the moderators. While we welcome constructive criticism, any negative or insulting language will be removed.  Any user who habitually posts negative content will be blocked.  Nor discussion of, or about competing EHRs will be allowed. In order to keep the information organized, please post in the relevant sub-forums.  If you have a suggestion for a sub-forum, we welcome your suggestion.  Please refrain from posting any Personal Health Information (PHI). We will immediately delete any message that might contain PHI

We hope that this will facilitate the growth of community around our users, and will help make our products serve you better.

Kind Regards,
ChARM Team