Are you generating claims one-by-one for every visit? Use our new 'Import' option to generate claims in one go for more visits.
'Import Claim' option is available in our 'Generated Claims' section.
'Import Claims' view provides the instructions to be followed to import the details of your visit in a CSV file format into the system. Refer 'Show pre-requisites' link to ensure the data should be already available before importing and data format to be used in the file for the mentioned columns.
Ensure that all the pre-requisites data are already entered and available in the system. Construct the .csv file for your visits with the mentioned format and import it into the system.
On importing, the system reads every visit in the file and converts them to claims. Report of the successfully generated claims and visits failed to be converted to claims will be displayed.
Failed visits list can be downloaded from the system, this list will have an appropriate error reason for all the failed visits. Failed visits can be handled manually, or they can be worked further and imported again to the system. Sample error file with 'Reason for failure' will look like,
Successfully generated claims will be found in the 'Generated Claims' section with status, 'Draft'. Please cross-check the details of these claims, verify them, and take the appropriate action in submitting to the clearinghouse.