Split Claims feature allows BillerPro users to split the CPTs of a bill/invoice into two claims.
Enabling Split Claim for your accounts
Practice Admin can enable split claims from 'Admin Settings > Enable Split Claims' for
the required practices.
How to Generate Split Claims for an invoice
Say an invoice has multiple CPTs as a part of it. While generating the first claim, keep the CPTs
to be part of the first claim and remove the CPTs that can be carried to the second claim.
In the above sample image, CPTs marked in red are removed from the first claim.
Generating Second Claim for the same invoice
To generate Second Claim for the bill, navigate to the 'Invoices with One Claim' View as
shown below.
This action lists down the invoices with one claim.
Click the action button of the invoice that requires the Second Claim generation. Click
'Generate second claim for this invoice' to generate the Second Claim.
This opens up the claim wizard to generate the second claim. In the 'Patient Treatment
Details' view, you could see the CPTs that were not-included/removed from the first
The Second claim can be generated by completing the remaining steps in the claim wizard.
Generated claims will be available in the 'Generated Claims' view.
View Invoices with Split Claims
A list of invoices having first and second claims can be viewed under the 'Invoices with
Split Claims' view of the Claim Submission tab.